I always get a knot in my stomach when I hear about race related accidents. I have lost a number of my heroes to such accidents. Safety equipment and better-engineered racetracks have now made motorsports much safer than in the years past. However, equipment failure and driver errors still account for mishaps on tracks. So, when I heard that Tiger Woods’ SUV jumped a curb, rolled on a lawn, ricocheted off a fire hydrant and fused into a grown tree, before his wife, Elin, had to bust him out with one of his Nike Drivers, I got worried. To add to the confusion, he’s remained impressively quiet.
The motorsports enthusiast and amateur Sherlock Holmes that I am, I couldn’t help but do a little speculating myself. Right off the bat, I can tell that Tiger violated one of the most important laws of racing – he didn’t have enough seat time in a car. But that could be explained away because “PGA Rules” prohibit golfers from driving golf carts on any of their sanctioned events.
In the spirit of sportsmanship, we at TEAM HYDROLAC would like to send out a friendly invitation. We’d like to offer Tiger a seat in any of the cars that we will campaign in the “24 Hours of Lemons” this coming season. Based on our experiences, we've found that it takes a special kind of individual - with skills and recklessness to be able to compete successfully with our equipment. All of which we are now certain he possesses based on the pictures taken at the accident scene.
If any of our readers have a way to get this invitation to Tiger, we'd really appreciate it.